Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Figure Sketches

Figure drawing from last night.  I wish pixelovely had more male models in their photo rotation. Seriously they only have about 3 different male models and I like to try and keep genders 50/50-ish when I do studies that way I don't get too accustomed to things.

Mandrills & Dan

My friend Dan brings up Mandrills a lot.  Well, not "a lot" but if you consider how many conversations the average person has about Mandrills in their life the fact that I had several with Dan during a 2-3 year period is impressive.  

I think he brings them up for two reasons.  One, because they are freaking awesome.  There aren't many other mammals that brightly colored and very few other mammals have large concentrations of color in their face; plus as an ape they have a lot of structural similarities to humans.  Two, I think he likes to bring them up because people often mistakenly refer to them as Baboons and he wants to correct them.  Which, interestingly enough, is how I first learned of his passion for Mandrills. Without Dan I'd probably still just think they were Baboons.

I saw him mention them on facebook tonight so this one's for you Dan Ciurczak!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Figure Sketches

Figure sketches from tonight.

From photos found at

I think pixelovely is one of the better online figure drawing tools I've found.  Don't get me wrong posemanics is pretty neat and all but there's a big difference between drawing from a posed 3D model and drawing from a photo.  I'd say the difference between them is almost equivalent to the difference between drawing from life and drawing from a photo.